Abus “Rock” Padlock | Mr. Locksmith Nanaimo Blog (2022)

Abus “Rock” Padlock: This full hard steel, high security lock is very suitable for securing high value items and reducing the risks of thieves. Its lock body is made of solid steel and has coating for protection from very high corrosion.

Abus “Rock” Padlock | Mr. Locksmith Nanaimo Blog (2022)

Mr. Locksmith Nanaimo (250) 999-8858

Automotive Nanaimo Locksmith (250) 999-8858

For further information go to Mr. Locksmith Nanaimo.

A massive beast of a padlock, ABUS Rock padlock is also re-keyable to your existing house or business key and upgradable to include most High Security Pick / Drill Resistant locks and Restricted Keys.

– Super heavy-duty chrome plated, hardened steel lock body
– Triple ball shackle locking
– Removable core cylinder for quick rekeying
– Hardened anti-drill plate protects the cylinder
– Quick shackle change
– Z-bar system converts from “push to lock” to “key to lock”
– Compatible with most restricted key systems
– Special alloy shackle
– Body width: 80mm
– Shackle diameter: 15mm
– Horizontal shackle clearance: 40mm
– Vertical shackle clearance: 38mm (also available 80mm shackle)


Abus “Rock” Padlock | Mr. Locksmith Nanaimo Blog (2022)

Abus “Rock” Padlock | Mr. Locksmith Nanaimo Blog (2022)

Approximate cost $175-$195

For On-line and Hands-on Locksmith Training Dates and Cities near you for Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced Locksmithing as well as my Covert Methods of Entry, Non-destructive Methods of Entry taught by Terry Whin-Yates and to purchase the Famous “Dumb Key Force Tool” that opens Smart Key locks in seconds go to Mr. Locksmith Training.

For Locksmith Franchise and Licensing Opportunities go to http://mrlocksmith.com/locksmithfranchise-opportunities/.

Abus “Rock” Padlock | Mr. Locksmith Nanaimo Blog (2022)

Abus “Rock” Padlock | Mr. Locksmith Nanaimo Blog (2022)

Call Us Right Away for Qualified Locksmithing & Security Solutions in Nanaimo British Columbia!

Mr. Locksmith Nanaimo has Mobile Locksmith Service Nanaimo, Lantzille, Parksville and Ladysmith. Also, the  Regional District of Nanaimo, Harbour City, Tofino, Comox Valley, Parksville, Campbell River, Port Alberni, Rathtrevor Beach Provincial Park—and off its coast—Newcastle Island, Protection Island, Gabriola Island, Valdes Island, and many other of the Gulf Islands. Nanaimo is served by two airports: Nanaimo Airport (YCD), Nanaimo Harbour Water Aerodrome Nanaimo also has three BC Ferry terminals located at Departure Bay, Duke Point and downtown. The downtown terminal services Gabriola Island, Assembly Wharf (near the downtown core) and Duke Point.